Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Anti-Nyasa Time Journalism?

The Nyasa Times has to stop publishing articles that are not well written! The Nyasa times should stop publishing online articles that can not measure to journalistic standards. This is shameful for Malawians in the diaspora and shameful for Malawian journalists.

The aim of this blog is not to go against the people behind the Nyasa Times but instead the reporting and the gossip behind their headlines. At Anti Nyasa Times Journalism, it is not about insulting the initiative of online newspapers, but instead making sure that the Nyasa Times does not incite people to violence or hatred because of inaccurate reports. This has happened several times and has even caused some to lose their jobs in the impoverished country of Malawi.
Anti-Nyasa Times Journalism is not by-partisan. It does not endorse Bakili Muluzi's United Democratic of Malawi(UDF),  Bingu wa Mutharika's  Democratic Progressive  Party, Joyce Banda's People's Party, the Malawi Congress Party or any other political party. This blog was created to encourage journalistic integrity by the Nyasa Times and  all online newspapers.

"With articles based on half truths and empty reckless unethical statements, this web page is not only defaming their opponents, (...) but essentially defaming Malawi as a whole in proportions never seen before in our history." (Anti-bakili blog).


  1. The Internet is a free space; people write whatever they think. If you are really concerned about journalistic integrity, why don't you just acquire your own domain and start publishing your own news articles on Malawi that measure to journalistic standards.

  2. There is freedom of speech, but at the same time it can not be abused. It can cause so much pain to many.

  3. But still, you can do better by running your own website (not on free blogging platform like blogspot) where you will be providing real news articles just like maravipost.com, malawivoice.com and malawidemocrat.com are doing. After all, there is very little Malawian content online. If you can add another news outlet, it would be great!

    I am not a Nyasa Times sympathizer, but I think they are smarter than you. In my view, they are the most successful Malawian news website. If you really have ethical issues with them, why not just sue them? Your site, just like antimuluzi.blogspot.com, will not attract any meaningful readership. If you have configured a stat counter, you will notice no real change with time, because the site is reactive in nature. People need fresh and original content.

    If you can choose to take the route that I have suggested, I will be more than happy to help you promote your site online. We need more Malawian news items online, more especially the ones focusing on exciting sustainable pro-poor development projects.

  4. Do you have to start a blog just to criticise another media outlet?
